Most people keep dogs, cats and birds as pet. Some may even keep squirrels and rats. However, while one might not go as berserk as Steve Irwin when it comes to pets, some people do have a habit of raising uncommon animals as pets.
A few basic things must always be kept in mind before adopting fancy pets. All pets, irrespective of species, require proper space, food, water and medical care depending on the species of pet one chooses to keep.
While choosing a pet, it must be ensured the owner can afford to take care of these pets financially and provide them with all the basic requirements.
Sugar gliders
- These are marsupials often mistaken as rodents or hamsters.
- They have an affinity for sugary foods and hence have been named sugar gliders.
- They also have a long stretch of membrane extending from the hind legs to the front legs. This earns them their name ‘glider’.
- They are nocturnal creatures and creates ruckus during the day.
- They look harmless but possess very sharp claws.
- They tend to attack most human beings who approach it. This might be one of the reasons there has be no history of proper domestication of this species of animal.
- These animals belong to a breed of fox, native to cold deserts.
- In the recent years, many people have started adopting fennecs as pets.
- However, these animals need proper climatic conditions and open space to survive and grow. Confining it within four walls, outside its natural habitat, curbs its growth and often leads to its death.
Miniature donkeys
- Miniature donkeys look cute and are adorable as pets. They ensemble stuffed toys and children find them to be a great playmate.
- They also get along well with dogs and goats. However, few things must be kept in mind while adopting a miniature donkey as a pet.
- They need open space for their physical well-being.
- They need regular health checkups and health care.
- Though it is quite big (nearly 80 cm in height and weighing nearly 130 kilos), one should never ride it. These donkeys are not meant to carry load and riding it might cause it injury.
- It is also recommended that these donkeys be bought in pairs, since the absence of a companion can make them aggressive and less friendly. In the presence of another animal of the same species, they interact better with human beings, as per study.
Bearded dragon
- This is one of the best pets for people who love reptiles. Crocodiles and other monitor lizards require permissions and are dangerous to keep as pets too.
- These are omnivorous animals and belong from Australia.
- They are about one meter in size and doesn’t require much care. Their care is not costly and they are easy to maintain. Hence, they make very good pets.
Stick Insects
- Many people like to keep insects as pets and stick insect is a very good option as a pet.
- Stick insects are about two to three inches in size and do not require extensive care.
- However, they have a very fragile body, which breaks very easily. Hence, they must be handled very carefully.
Miniature pigs
- These animals gained popularity as pets after the internet made them famous. They became a hit on social media and ever since many has opted to keep miniature pigs as pets.
- Previously they were used only on farms.
- They have high emotional quotient and requires attention from human beings.
- They have a high intelligence quotient too, which makes it easy to train them. They look adorable and appeal to human beings as a cute pet.
- These look like huge guinea pigs.
- They belong to the rodent family and are native to South America.
- They are water animals and their name translates to ‘water pigs’ in English.
- They are loveable creatures that can be adopted as a pet without much hassle.
- These animals give the impression that they are dangerous due to their spines but they are gentle creatures.
- Hedgehogs are often mistaken as porcupines but they both belong to different species of animals.
- They can be extremely friendly with human beings and are easy to maintain. They make very good pets.
Pygmy goats
- These are small sized goats, which are very friendly in nature.
- Their small size, low maintenance, good temperament and appealing looks, make many adopt them as pets.
- They are quite similar to dogs in terms of looks and nature.
- These animals are native to Australia and resemble kangaroos in a lot of ways.
- The only criteria that need to be fulfilled while keeping a wallaby, is it has to be provided with enough space.
- They are herbivorous animals and usually feeds on grass and apples.
- They are social animals and functions better in the presence of a companion from the same species, hence it is recommended to get them in pairs.
Spotted Genet
- These animals seem to be a hybrid between ferrets and raccoons; however, they belong to the family of cats and has its home in the rainforest of the Sahara terrains in Africa.
- They look beautiful and are independent creatures.
- If one is looking for adorable pets to cuddle with, it is recommended that they should not adopt a spotted genet.
- Skunks look cute and make for excellent pets.
- They belong from the family of pole-cats and are native to North and South America.
- They are easy to care for and require only a few toys to keep them busy the whole day. However, before keeping them as pets, their scent glands must be removed. The scent glands release a spray of liquid that stinks horribly. Once, the scent glands are removed, they are one of the easiest and best pets to keep.
These are some of the rare species of animals that people have been known to keep as pets. There are few people who love to raise exotic and rare pets and often manage to tame wild and uncommon animals.
Most animals are social beings too just like human beings and thorough study of their behavior has shown that they can be domesticated if trained from a young age.
However, it is advised not to force animals to survive in uncomfortable environments outside their natural habitat.