Summers are fun for most pets outside, however during summers, they need to keep their body temperature at optimum else, too much heat might result in a heat stroke. Some breeds of dogs, especially the ones that belong to regions with colder climatic conditions such as, Siberian husky, St. Bernard’s, etc. However, there are some basic needs of a dog that must be fulfilled during summers. Many dogs die during summers, suffering from heat stroke. Hence, as an owner, one must be aware of the risks associated with climatic changes and how to deal with it. Some basic rules that can be followed have been listed down.
Know the signs of dehydration
- The owner must be aware of the symptoms of dehydration so that they can detect the problem at the earliest and act accordingly. Whenever there is a rapid breathing or increased panting, immediately, the dog should be fed cool water.
- If the dog salivates too much or the saliva is thickened, it is also a sign of dehydration.
- The eyes may get sunken and the mouth might run dry.
- The dog may lack energy and even refuse food.
- These are some known signs of fatigue and dehydration. Dehydration in dogs also cause staggering and muscle tremors.
- If the conditions persist too long and the symptoms don’t wear off even after the temperature of the house is lowered and the dog is fed enough water, it is recommended that a doctor must be contacted immediately.
Keep the dog hydrated always
It must be made sure that the dog gets enough water. The body tends to get dehydrated easily during summer.
- Often the effects don’t show physically but the body is affected, the dog tends to get drained of energy and more.
- A bowl of fresh water should always be kept ready and refilled whenever it gets empty.
- In case the dog is kept tied up for longs hours, there should be adequate supply of water in its reach.
- The dog should get proper access to bathrooms, since during the summers the frequency of urination increases. The more they urinate, the more they will tend to drink water, there by keeping them hydrated.
The house should be kept cold
During summers usage of coolers, air conditioners and other such technology is suggested. In case, these are too costly to afford, a fan may be arranged. If possible, curtains should be used during the day to avoid the heat coming in.
In the evening, the windows could be let open for the fresh breeze to cool down the environment on the house. Any method, as it may suit the owner may be applied to keep the environment inside the house cool and heat free.
Bring a change in the food chart
Often the food we eat releases a lot of body heat post digestion. If such kind of food is present in the food chart, it should be avoided. Food that cools the body down should be included in the food chart as per the advice of the doctor. Some frozen food may be also be added to the diet upon the doctor’s advice.
Regulate the training and walks
The training and the walks should be regulated properly. The training sessions may be cut down a little during summers. The walks may be scheduled in the evenings when the heat is low. The walks during the morning should be avoided when the heat is higher. Exercises may be cut down and reduced to walks only after consulting a doctor.
Bathe them often
During summers, the dog should be bathed more than often. However, water is not good for all breeds of dogs and a doctor should always be consulted before deciding how many days a week can the four-legged creature be bathed.
While outside, never leave the dog inside the car
One must never leave their dogs inside their cars during summers, even if the air conditioner of the car is switched on. They tend to suffer heat stroke and it may often lead to its death.
Check on the dog at regular intervals
The dogs are unaware of the symptoms of dehydration; however, the owner is. Hence, they should keep on checking on the dog, at regular intervals. If one spots any signs of dehydration, they should act immediately accordingly.
Keep saline and other medications ready
During summers, often the dogs tend to fall sick due to the heat. The doctor’s advice must be taken in advance and important medications, saline bottles etc. should be kept ready, in case an emergency situation arises.
Trim the fur regularly
The fur may be trimmed during summer even if the dog sheds. Fur generates body heat and this in turn causes dehydration. Too much of fur also causes discomfort and hence trimming is a good choice during summers.
Use of products such as cold beds
The internet has multiple technology-based products to keep the four-legged creatures cool during summers. One can opt for cooling creams or cold beds. However, before using any products, the labels must be read very carefully and a doctor should be consulted before taking any decision. If the products are being bought online, the reviews must be checked thoroughly before buying the product. Often the products on the internet are harmful for the dog and don’t serve the purpose they are built for.
All dogs need special care during summers. While some breeds that origin in the tropical countries such as Indie dogs don’t require any special care. However, breeds of dogs, whose origin are in countries having cold climatic conditions need extra care during summers. Over the years, most breeds of dogs have evolved to adapt to all climates globally, their place of origin still plays a vital role in determining their comfort zone. One must study the apt climatic conditions for the particular breed of dog they own and take steps accordingly. However, before proceeding with anything, it is necessary to consult a veterinary doctor.